Worship with the Word

Aloha dear reader!
I know, it’s a ling time ago since I’ve posted something, but we are basically doing practical things that can’t be written down, they need to be experienced!
Today we did something called Worship with the Word. 
While doing that, we came to realisation that singing something is a lot more intimate and mostly more uncomfortable than to just say it. When we read a Bible verse out loud it is not uncomfortable at all, but when we are asked to sing the same thing, that makes us vulnerable but it’s where the magic happens!

So to sing something helps us to actually understand what we are saying and me also can memorise it way better, it’s the same when little children learn the alphabet, they learn it in a song that they can memorise it!
Worship with the Word, basically means to just sing Bible verses, instead of just reading them or singing common worship songs. And there are some tips for you guys, that your Worship with the Word session is gonna be a great experience! I have them summarised for you:

So what words do you sing? There are different methods you can use:

1. Repeat: You sing it just like it is.
2. Rephrase: You say it in a different way but with the same essence!
3. Reference: You go to different verses in the Bible that say the same or similar things: Psalm 23, John 10,10
Choose a chord progression that is easy, you can choose any progression as long as it is easy for example 1-4-5-1
Have around 3 people is a good number of people if you don’t wanna do everything by yourself!
1. Person: Worship leader that gives the chord progression and that maybe start the whole thing of with prayer! Maybe also starts of with a chorus that everyone already knows to lead into the improvisations.
2. Person: Has the Bible open and chooses a fitting verse (Pslams) and keeps on going with this verse and ether repeat, rephrase or reference the verse!
3. Person: Puts some prayer into each singing that maybe unwraps the verse a bit more!
 —> But you can have as many singers and instruments as you want! Make a jam session out of
it and never forget, you can’t sing something wrong out of the Bible so have fun praising the Lord!
See you guys!
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